ICCS supports clients, consultants and contractors throughout the project lifecycle, either as lead strategists or complementing existing project teams. We look at the wider project context and stakeholder requirements (including non-human stakeholders) to determine what actually belongs in a particular geography and biome and what systems, either natural, manufactured or hybrid, will best suit the situation. Working from the microbial level up, we develop authentic biospheric and whole-system designs which are the essence of true sustainability and which can only be achieved through integral thinking.

As well as working alongside consultants and contractors, we can also resource the entire project team using our network of partners, if needed.

We are a team of integral design thinkers who reflect the patterns of life into design and execution to deliver scalable models of sustainable development that represent the real economy, without externalities.

The most complete manifestation of our philosophy this is Climate Parks, ecological and community rehabilitation projects that show how true sustainable development can be achieved.

Consultancy Services For Clients

Consultancy Services

Government / Municipalities

We advise governments and municipalities on how to deliver sustainable solutions and help keep their consultants aligned to their sustainability goals on projects. These can include National/Regional Development Strategies, Municipal Strategies, Structure Plans and Urban Plans.

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Consultancy Services


We can work for the Client directly on Residential, Commercial, Mixed Use, Marina, Resorts and Islands, and Golf Developments. We help define the project vision and integral project parameters, review the work of other consultants, and undertake design activities. Where needed we can also provide construction.

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Consultancy Services

Urban Planner / Master Planner

We work with urban and master planners to achieve integration between disciplines so sustainable results can be realised. We can either provide guidance to the project team, or take on design elements, as needed. We can provide support on Structure Plans, Urban Plans, Master Plans for Residential, Commercial, Mixed Use, Marina, Resorts and Islands, and Golf Developments.

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Consultancy Services

Architect / Engineer / Landscape Designer

We work with existing teams to complement their skills and improve the overall sustainability on infrastructure, public realm and buildings projects. We typically get involved early in the project to set direction and then advise the design team, or we can develop detailed strategies and designs, as needed.

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Speak with us for more information on our consultancy services.